Creating a matchmaking

This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a matchmaking.

  1. Navigate to the Games section on the home page and press Create

  2. Start by filling in the form

    • Name - Matchmaking name (Required)

    • Description - Information for participants (Optional)

    • Game date - Represents when the matchmaking is played (Optional)

    • Ranked - States if the matchmaking is ranked (Optional)

    • Court booked - States if there is a court booked for the matchmaking (Optional)

    • Entrance fee - States if participants should pay to participate (Optional)

  3. Press Continue to view formats

  4. Select the format of your matchmaking

    • You can change the format category in the tabs list

  5. Select the scoring system of your matchmaking

  6. Select a facility you are planning to play on (Optional)

    • Press Skip if you wish to skip this step

  7. A summary will be presented, if everything seems correct press Create

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